Free English: special phrasal verbs, proverbs, vocabulary, prepositions

We have written lots of free preparation English exam tests to help you get ready for your exam.
Practice your English efficiently with many free advanced level tests.
Proverbs, phrasal verbs, vocabulary, word building and prepositions
Questions get easier or harder according to how well you do. If your English is very good
you will answer more difficult questions than someone whose English is not as good.
At the end of each test you will get an analytical report with the right and wrong answers.
In addition, the report shows you exactly where you made mistakes,
automatically corrects them and gives your exact mark you achieved in the test
Our free preparation English tests will help you to take successfully any Official English exam.
INSTRUCTIONS Please read carefully:
To complete each test you have to answer all the questions.
To pass the test successfully you must get at least 80% correct answers.
Take the tests as many times as possible and try to remember them.
When you have answered all the questions, to see your results, click on the button Verify.
Please click below to start the tests
English Phrasal verbs
English Proverbs With Greek translation
English Proverbs in English
Proverbs 01 Proverbs 02English Prepositions
English Vocabulary and word Building
Vocabulary and word Building 01
Vocabulary and word Building 02
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