D. Education English Proverbs, idioms and expressions
D. Education offers you (free), the main English Proverbs,  idioms and expressions,
explained in English. It is a valuable help for all English language
learners and especially  for those who are going to take an exam to get an English certificate.
Please study them very carefully and try to remember them well.
 1. Idiomatic Expressions
1. I play or act the dummy.        - pretend not to understand.
2. I'm broke or penniless.         - have no money at all.
3. I'm at sea or I'm lost.             - feel puzzled.
4. I resist a temptation.              - not to give in.
5. I make a mess.                      - not to complete successfully.
6. Things have come to a head.     - can’t stand anymore.
7. Lost labour.                             - do something for nothing.
8. To pull the strings.                 - use connections to succeed
9. From hand to mouth.             - spend everything you earn
10. Penny wise, pound foolish.    - spend money foolishly.
 2. Proverbs
1. The older I get the more I learn.    - I always learn in life.
2. Everything comes to him who waits.   - be patient to succeed.
3. All that glitters is not gold.          - appearance can deceive.
4. No rose without a thorn.             - nothing can be only good.
5. Honesty is the best policy.          - being honest is the best.                  
6. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. - If you are innocent, don’t be afraid of anything.                                 
7. There is no place like home.      - our home is the best place.
8. It is never too late.                - start something at any age.
9. Riches are not for ever.      - run out of money.
10. One swallow does not make a spring.   - to succeed once is not enough.
  3. Idiomatic Expressions
1. For the sake of               - do a favour to someone
2. I don't stand a joke          - don’t make fun of
3. To err is human               - people make mistakes, too.
4. To be sick and tired of   - not to like anymore
5. It's never too late           - start something at any age.
6. I take my revenge on    - hit back.
7. I turn a deaf ear to          - not to care.
8. By chance or by accident   - luckily.
9. I lose track of time          - not to have the sense of time.
10. I am dead tired             - extremely tired.
 4. Proverbs
 1. Too many cooks spoil the broth.  - you’d better finish the job alone.
2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. -  It’s tiring to work all the time.
3. A good beginning is half the battle.  a good start is very important.
4. One bird in hand is worth two in the bush.  - You’d better get something than wait for more.
5. Strike while the iron is hot.  - take action on time.
6. Necessity is the mother of invention. - people in need always find a way out.
7. A friend in need is a friend indeed.  - a good friend helps his friend in need.
8. The early bird gets the worm.   - always be on time.
9. Today a man tomorrow a mouse.   - If you aren’t careful, you lose everything.
10. To kill two birds with one stone.  - get a double success with one effort.
 5. Expressions
1. In no time.   -      Immediately. 
2. To be caught red handed.       - to witness a crime.
3. To hit the nail on the head.   - a successful judgment.
4. It serves you right.           - get the right punishment.
5. Safe and sound.               - healthy and well.
6. A thousand to one.          - one chance out of a thousand.
7. The sooner the better.      - as soon as possible.
8. To play truant.        - to go away from school intentionally.
9. I go too far.             - too bad behavior.
10. A piece of cake.  - very easy.
 6. Proverbs & idioms.
 1. Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear. -  think before talking.
2. Out of sight out of mind.  - you forget people you don’t see often.
3. Barking dogs seldom bite.  - people who shout are not bad.
4. Moderation in all things.      - not to overdo something.
5. Time waits for no man.         - time always goes on.
6. Still waters run deep.     - hidden feelings. (introvert people)
7. Never fish in troubled waters.  - never do something you are not sure it’s safe.
8. He laughs best who laughs last. -  The important thing is finally to succeed.
9. God helps those who help themselves.   -  Always try to help yourself.
10. There is no smoke without fire.   - when people say something , they know something.
  7. Expressions.
1. To give the cold shoulder to     - look down on someone
2. I do not swallow an insult       - never accept insults
3. I am in love with                - love… love someone
4. I come to my senses        - back to realization
5. It's out of the question      - can’t be done
6. I speak ill of                   - say bad things about someone
7. I bet my life on              - I’m certain
8. I am in mourning           - mourn
9. I set an example          - do the right thing.
10. I set things right          - arrange well.
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