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Free English Grammar tests to practice online

Free English Grammar tests online By English lessons software.

Free English Grammar tests to peactice online

Check Your English Grammar level

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We’re constantly working to make our website more effective, and we’re committed to helping you with a lot free English lessons and tests. Please remember that the following Grammar test will not only help you to learn the English language well but also to pass any official English exam successfully

 Do you know your English grammar level? 

It is very interesting and useful if you know where you are in English grammar level. These test were designed to help you check your English grammar level. The tests cover a lot of English grammar aspects.

English grammar is a basic skill that every English learner should learn carefully. In this section, each grammar topic provides you questions and answers. All grammar tests contain explanations of correct answers. The tests contain hundreds of questions. Be patient if you really want to check your English grammar level. Try your best to answer all questions.

 These free English Grammar tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge of English Grammar. Each test contains from 10 to 20 questions. Choose an answer to complete each question. Instructions may be available for each test. After finishing a test, you can see your analytical report by clicking on the VERIFY button. In each test you should get at least 80% of correct answers. If you don’t get 80% or over, then take the tests again and again.

Please click below to start a test.


A senior class

test01 a-a

test02 to be

test03 pural

testo4 mine


B senior class

test01 Past con.

test02 Prepositions

test03 Pr.Perfect

testo4 Adjectives


C senior class

test01 s.past perfect

test02 Plural 2

test03 Wish

test04 confusing words


D senior class

test01 The

test02 spe

test03 verbs

testo4 Prepositions


E senior class

test01 multiple choice

test02 Prepositions

test03 vocabulary

testo4 multiple choice


FC class

test01 word building

test02 confusing words

test03 Prepositions

testo4 vocabulary


Proficiency class 1

test01 word building

test02 vocabulry

test03 prepositions

testo4 phrasal verbs


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