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Αγγλικά για ενήλικες, δωρεάν εκθέσεις advanced level

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Free advanced level English essays for you to practice online, for your English language exams

Αγγλικά, δωρεάν εκθέσεις σε προχωρημένο επίπεδο online

We have written some free advanced level English essays for you to practice. 

Attention: We suggest that you first read the topic, then get a notebook and write the composition and finally read the model composition to see whether you have covered the topic sufficiently.

This way, you will get better and better in writing. When you read a Model composition, try to remember it as much as possible.

Model Compositions.

Model Composition 1
Some people insist that the main emphasis in foreign language teaching should be on speaking and writing correctly, while others feel that teaching learners how to communicate and express their ideas fluently should be the main goal. What’s your opinion? Support yow ideas with reasons and examples from your own language-learning experience.

Model Answer 1
Which is more important in learning a language:
speaking and writing correctly, or expressing yourself fluently but inaccurately? Although both are important, if I had to choose, I’d say developing fluency is a higher priority.

Grammar knowledge alone does not make students competent language users. I learned this the hard way on my first trip to France. After two years of grammar based college French, I was completely unable to make myself understood or do the simplest things like ask for directions or order food. The problem was that my training had included plenty of grammar drills, but very little free practice. In the real world, I kept finding myself in situations that I hadn’t met in class, and I was so nervous about applying the rules and not making mistakes that I couldn’t communicate effectively.

This experience made me rethink my ideas about language learning. I realized that learning to communicate in a new language was a lot like learning a musical instrument. You can’t learn to play the piano by just studying music theory. You have to put your fingers on the keyboard and practice until gradually you begin to play more smoothly. And just as in learning to play an instrument, making mistakes when you learn to speak and write a new language should be a natural part of the learning process. The idea is to practice and get better at playing the “melody,” which for language learners is the ability to communicate ideas. Perfection can come later.

Of course, the end goal of language learning should be both fluency and accuracy, but I feel strongly that learners should be encouraged to develop fluency first. After all, no one expects a baby to speak in perfectly grammatical sentences. Babies learn by communicating simply at first and then developing a gradual mastery of their native tongue. Language students should be encouraged to develop in a similar way.

Model Composition 2

Some people feel admission should be free to national museums, galleries, and major historical sites, while others disagree, arguing that admission fees are necessary. Discuss the arguments for and against establishing free admission to national treasures. Which do you feel is a better policy? Support your ideas with reasons and examples.    

Model Answer 2

Everyone agrees that museums and other cultural institutions help to preserve culture and educate people.The question is: Should admission to such institutions be free, or should a fee be charged to help fund them?
The issue is far from black and white, so it’s worth looking at both sides.
On the one hand are those who feel that cultural institutions should be free of charge. Their main argument is that these institutions belong to the people. As such, they should be funded by tax dollars and exist for the betterment of everyone in society.

Free access means that everyone can visit these treasures as often as they like. In other words, no one is deprived by their inability to pay. It also means that families and educational institutions can encourage children to take full advantage of the enriched educational experience that museums offer.
On the other hand are those who argue against free admission.

This group maintains that while free admission sounds attractive, it is far from practical. They point out that with government funding alone, it is difficult for museums to make ends meet — particularly during economic downturns, when funding might be reduced. A museum needs to cover operating expenses, make new acquisitions, and mount new exhibitions, and fees can go a long way towards reducing the strain on tight budgets.

They also argue that fees do not necessarily mean that less fortunate people would be deprived. With careful planning, for example, deeply discounted fees could be set for students, and inexpensive membership plans established for families and frequent visitors.
On balance, I feel that although both sides have merit, charging admission fees is the better option. Without them, we may lose much of the culture that we are trying to protect. With them, museums will be able to offer even better programs for school children and others who would most benefit.  


MODEL composition 3
only way to solve a serious crisis between two nations is by going to war. What is your opinion?

Model Answer 3
     Even though the twentieth century saw two world wars, the threat of war is something which hangs over us all the time, and is particularly acute in times of international crisis, It is my belief that war is not the answer and should only be declared as a last resort. Avoidance is the key word.

It is a sad fact that war is being waged somewhere in the world every day of the year. Obviously, without disarmament on a global scale this is the way it will always be. Without weapons, countries would not be able to fight but, instead, would be forced to reach a peaceful compromise.

It seems that it is the world’s superpowers who play an important role in making sure that war is averted. By not abusing their strength, and respecting the rights of minor countries to self-determination many conflicts could be avoided. They should also stay out of the internal affairs of other countries.

Disagreeing with the politics of another country does not give the superpowers the right to invade it. It is also their responsibility to halt the arms race by setting the example. For instance, should they themselves dismantle their existing missile systems and put a stop to the testing of nuclear weapons then other countries would be forced to follow suit.

The importance of setting major disputes such as those regarding a country’s borders or the fair distribution of resources such as oil and water is paramount in preventing some wars from breaking out. Should two countries involved in a dispute fail to resolve the issue, the United Nations, an international organization, should be called in toarbitrate. Any talks will then be conducted through an intermediary body which will assist the countries in reaching a settlement.

There are those countries though, who feel they can fully justify their reasons for engaging in warfare. Having to overthrow an oppressive regime is just one of them. Another is being forced to defend their land against aggressors. Of course, no country can be expected just to stand by while they are being invaded.

In conclusion, it appears that we are still a long way from achieving world peace. Although many of us have either witnessed or are aware of the evils of war it seems in some cases to still be the only option. Unfortunately, it is usually the innocent who are forced to pay the price for other people’s selfishness and greed. War is rarely, if ever, the answer and our children should be taught this from an early age through our own example. After all, hate breeds hate. 




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