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Δωρεάν θέματα Αγγλικής φιλολογίας 2 online για υποψήφιους

Δωρεάν τεστ Αγγλική φιλολογία practice test 2 online, με μετάφραση

Δωρεάν τεστ Αγγλική φιλολογία practice test 2 online

H D.Education D.Sclias προσφέρει ΔΩΡΕΑΝ θέματα Αγγλικής φιλολογίας

Τα παρακάτω θέματα και ασκήσεις, τα οποία είναι  πολύ χρήσιμα βοηθήματα για όλους
τους σπουδαστές της Αγγλικής γλώσσας και τους υποψήφιους ή φοιτητές  Αγγλικής
φιλολογίας Ιδιαίτερα για όσους θέλουν να αποκτήσουν ένα επίσημο
δίπλωμα Αγγλικών .π.χ. lower – Proficiency
English philology part 2A
Α. Να αποδώσετε στο τετράδιό σας, στην ελληνική γλώσσα, το παρακάτω κείμενο, προσδίδοντάς του τη μορφή που θα έπρεπε να έχει αν επρόκειτο να δημοσιευτεί σε ελληνικό έντυπο.
It is so easy to sit back and think, "it won't happen to me". But it can and will unless you do something about it. In London there is a burglary every three minutes of the day and no one is exempt. You may think you have nothing worth stealing, but everyone has something worthy of a thief's attention. It may not be worth much in terms of hard cash, but it could be of great personal and sentimental value to you.
So don't make it easy for them. The opportunist thief in particular is soon discouraged when he meets opposition. Be prepared to spend a little on your security, be safe rather than sorry - you'll find it well worthwhile in the long run.
* Fit security locks and always use them
* Take extra precautions when you go away
* Keep your valuables in the bank
* Be wary of strange callers
Είναι εύκολο να κάθεσαι ανέμελα και να σκέφτεσαι "Δε θα μου συμβεί" ! Αλλά μπορεί να συμβεί και θα συμβεί, αν δε λάβεις τα μέτρα σου. Στο Λονδίνο γίνεται μια ληστεία κάθε 3 λεπτά της ημέρας και κανείς δεν αποτελεί εξαίρεση. Ίσως νομίζεις ότι δεν υπάρχει τίποτε που να αξίζει να σου το κλέψουν, αλλά όλοι μας έχουμε κάτι που τραβάει την προσοχή του κλέφτη. Μπορεί αυτό το κάτι να μην αξίζει πολλά αν το υπολογίσει κανείς σε καθαρό χρήμα, αλλά μπορεί να έχει μεγάλη προσωπική και συναισθηματική αξία για σένα.
Γι αυτό, μην τους διευκολύνεις. Ειδικά ο ευκαιριακός κλέφτης αποθαρρύνεται σύντομα όταν συναντήσει αντίσταση. Να είσαι πάντα πρόθυμος να ξοδέψεις κάτι για την ασφάλειά σου. Καλύτερα να είσαι προσεκτικός και ασφαλής, παρά μετανοιωμένος .
Με την πάροδο του χρόνου θα δεις πως αξίζει τον κόπο.
* Βάλε κλειδαριές ασφαλείας και μην αμελείς να τις χρησιμοποιείς ανελλειπώς.
* Πάρε επί πλέον προστατευτικά μέτρα όταν απουσιάζεις.
* Φύλαγε τα τιμαλφή σου στην Τράπεζα.
* Πρόσεχε τους άγνωστους επισκέπτες.
Β: Να απαντήσετε στο τετράδιό σας στα αγγλικά στις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις :
B.1 (a) This text is part of a brochure. In your opinion who could it be issued by and to whom is it addressed?
B.1 (a) The brochure is most probably issued by the police, and is addressed to the
residents of London, both tenants and house owners.
(b) For which purpose, do you think, is this text published?
(b) This text is published to inform people that burglaries are more common than most people might think, to warn them that everyone is at risk, and to suggest ways of protecting their property and money against thieves.
(c) Supply both a title and a subtitle for the above text.
(c) Title: How you can avoid being burgled (robbed)
or How you can avoid a break-in
or Anti-burglary precautions
or Watch out, there's a thief about
or It won't happen to me
Subtitle: What you can do or Precautions you should take.
B.2 (a) Imagine and make a brief description of a picture which could appear on the front page of the brochure. (2-3 lines)
B.2 (a) A possible picture / illustration could be :
The outline of a burglar climbing through a window. It would be night
time and the burglar could be carrying a torch or a sack.
The inside of a house in complete disorder, everything having been turned
upside-down by a thief : drawers open, things broken and scattered on the
A policeman could be interviewing a householder or tenant who has been
burgled. He/she would be very upset, perhaps showing the policeman a
broken lock.
(b) You are going on holiday and a friend of yours with whom you are sharing your flat in London is leaving a week later. You know that your friend is careless, so you leave him/her a note giving instructions as to what he/she should do to prevent theft. Sign the note : "Your roommate".
(b) Paul,
Now that I'll be gone and you'll be on your own for a while before you leave, too, please watch out for possible thieves. Make sure you lock all the doors and windows every time you go out and before you go to bed. Don't leave any money or other valuable items lying about. If anyone calls and you aren't sure who they are, ask them to identify themselves before letting them in. Finally before you leave next week, make absolutely sure everything is locked and tell one of the neighbours to keep an eye on the flat or tell the police that you are going away. See you soon.
Have a good holiday,
Your roommate.
(c) You wish to inform your fellow students of the contents of this brochure, concentrating on the instructions provided at the end of the text. You find the tone of the instructions very authoritative. Rewrite the first instruction ("Fit security locks and always use them") in TWO different ways excluding the imperative.
(c) It would be a good idea to have security locks fitted, which you should always remember to use.
You should fit security locks and always try to use them.
You are advised to fit security locks and always try to use them.
Γ: Να γράψετε κείμενο (120-150 λέξεις περίπου) σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω θέμα :
You are the Greek correspondent of a British magazine for the young. Report on an event which you consider
to be of particular interest to your readers.
(As the magazine is for the young, the event reported should be of interest to them).
e.g. A Circus coming to town
or A Carnival parade
or The opening of a fun-fair
or The end of the school term
or A special occasion in Greece e.g. 1st May
The event could be imaginary or one that has actually happened. The report should include factual information e.g. date, place etc and a description of what happened, using a register of language that would be understood by young children.)
The Circus Arrives
from your Greek Correspondent
On Saturday 16th June here in Athens, an enormous travelling circus came to town. Yorgo's Circus is one of the most famous here in Greece and has been going for over a hundred years.
I went along to the opening performance and was lucky enough to get a front-row seat. The ring master, in a yellow jacket, opened the show with a crack of his whip. He was followed by a string of incredible acts. There were lions with their tamer, elephants, seals, jugglers on one-wheeled bicycles, a conjurer who drew rabbits out of a hat and a tight-rope walker who took the children's breath away.
My favourite act of course was the clowns who got cream cakes, water and paint all over themselves and I thought I would never stop laughing.
I left the Big Top three hours later after a terrific afternoon. Should you come to Greece this summer my advice is - don't miss it!
English philology part 2B
Α. Να αποδώσετε στο τετράδιό σας, στην ελληνική γλώσσα, το παρακάτω κείμενο, προσδίδοντάς του τη μορφή που θα έπρεπε να έχει αν επρόκειτο να δημοσιευτεί σε ελληνικό έντυπο.
The scarcity of women in top jobs is "an appalling failure of the educational system", Mrs. B.R., director of South Bank Polytechnic told a conference in Manchester this week.
Mrs B.R. said, "I always assumed that my generation had all the hard fighting and it would be better for the next".
Practical reasons frequently prevented women from getting promotion, she claimed. "I know this is unpopular with some feminists. They talk as if children, marriage and housework don't exist, but for the vast majority of women this is a reality".
The fact is that Mrs. B.R. had desperately wanted at South Bank Polytechnic at least one woman for senior posts. But in a recent round of appointments only 20 out of 200 applicants were women.
Η σπανιότητα γυναικών σε “υψηλές” θέσεις εργασίας αποτελεί ένδειξη της “τρομακτικής επιτυχίας του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος” όπως δήλωσε η κα. B.R., του South Bank Polytechnic, σε ένα συνέδριο που γίνεται στο Μάντσεστερ αυτήν την βδομάδα.
Όπως δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά η κα. B.R. “Πάντα θεωρούσα ότι η γενιά μου είχε αγωνιστεί σκληρά και ότι τα πράγματα θα ήταν καλύτερα για τις επόμενες γενεές.
Ισχυρίστηκε ακόμη ότι συχνά οι γυναίκες αδυνατούν να πάρουν προαγωγή για πρακτικούς λόγους:
“Ξέρω ότι κάποιες φεμινίστριες δεν συμφωνούν με αυτό. Μιλούν λες και τα παιδιά, ο έγγαμος βίος και οι δουλειές του σπιτιού δεν υπάρχουν, όταν αυτά αποτελούν καθημερινή πραγματικότητα για την συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των γυναικών.”
Γεγονός είναι ότι η κα. B.R. ήθελε όσο τίποτα άλλο να προσλάβει τουλάχιστον μια γυναίκα σε υψηλά ιστάμενη θέση στο South Bank Polytechnic.
Αλλά σε μια πρόσφατη προκήρυξη θέσεων στις 200 αιτήσεις που κατατέθηκαν, μόνο 20 ήταν από γυναίκες.
Β. Να απαντήσετε, στο τετράδιό σας, στα αγγλικά, στις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις :
B1. a. Give a title and subtitle to the above text.
Scarcity of women in top jobs / Why don't more women get there? / Educational system to blame
for the situation.
b. What is the main problem discussed in the text? (no more than two lines).
b. Our educational system does not prepare women for promotion and top jobs.
c. Write the non practical reason, included in the text, why women don't get higher posts.
c. The new generation of women have not benefited from the hard fighting for equal rights done by the previous generations of feminists. Our educational system has not succeeded in persuading women that they are worthy of top posts.
B2. a. You attended the conference and when you came home you told your friend about the "hard
fighting" of this generation (paragraph 2). Write what you told him/her, beginning with : Mrs B.R. said that …
B2 a. Mrs B.R. said that her generation had done all the hard fighting for equal rights and therefore she hoped things would be better for the next generation.
b. You are Lynn and you have just read the above article in the paper. Write a four-line note to your British friend who is interested in writing an article about women, recommending the text to him/her.
b. Dear John,
I've come across an interesting article in the Times Educational Supplement of 10th April which attempts to explore the reasons why women still fail to qualify for senior posts. It mainly attributes this sad phenomenon to the failure of the educational system , which is also reinforced by the fact that women have insurmountable family commitments such as marriage, children and housework. But why don't you get it and find out all about it yourself?
Yours, Lyhn
c.You are interviewing Mrs. B.R. Ask her two questions concerning her views on women's scarcity in top jobs.
c. 1. Besides any possible drawbacks in our educational system, can you think of any otherreasons why women do not apply for top posts ?
2. Do you think women are not really interested in getting top jobs or that they do not feel competent to do such jobs?
Γ. Να γράψετε κείμενο 120-150 λέξεων με το παρακάτω θέμα :
"Education means acquiring knowledge, absorbing a selected part of the human wisdom, understanding the world better. An educated person understands better his relation to nature, society and universe".Using ideas from the above passage (but not only them) write a letter to your younger brother, who is not certain whether or not he wants to do further studies, convincing him that he should go on. Start the letter with "Dear brother" and finish with "Yours, ABC".
Σημείωση : Η ονομασία South Bank Polytechnic να μη μεταφραστεί.
32 Nafsicas Street
29th June 1989
Dear brother,
I hear you aren't certain whether or not to go on with further studies. It seems that you feel a strong temptation to go out in the world and make money. I don't think that's a bad idea; nevertheless, I really believe you're a bit too hasty in your decision. True, our educational system is far from ideal; however, it can still provide you with the knowledge you need in order to better understand nature and our world as a whole.
You should bear in mind that education helps you live a better life. On the one hand, it will provide you with the means of succeeding financially by finding the right job later on. On the other hand, it will help you enhance your emotional and spiritual qualities and find a purpose in life through understanding your relation to nature, society and the universe. I do hope you will reconsider your views and continue with your studies.
Yours ABC.
English philology part 2C
A. Να αποδώσετε , στο τετράδιό σας, στην ελληνική γλώσσα, το παρακάτω κείμενο, προσδίδοντάς του τη μορφή που θα έπρεπε να έχει , αν επρόκειτο να δημοσιευθεί σε ελληνικό έντυπο.
How many people can the earth hold? Will birth and death rates continue to decline? Can food production keep apace of population growth? Can technology supplement or replace today’s resources? What are the long-term effects of pollution on health, climate, and farm production?
Debate over such issues has spawned volumes, as scholars look to the future with varying degrees of optimism and gloom. In a lecture titled “The Terror of Change”, Mrs P.S. cited three aspects of our future about which there is little disagreement: The speed of change will accelerate, the world will be increasingly complex, and nations and world issues will be increasingly interdependent.
The problems facing Third World megacities cannot be ignored by developed countries. We cannot look to the past for solutions; there is no precedent for such growth. We are in uncharted, challenging waters.
Δίνεται : to spawn : to produce, esp. in large numbers.
Πόσους ανθρώπους μπορεί να χωρέσει η γη ; Θα συνεχίσουν να πέφτουν τα ποσοστά των γεννήσεων και των θανάτων ; Μπορεί η παραγωγή τροφίμων να ακολουθήσει την αύξηση του πληθυσμού ; Μπορεί η τεχνολογία να συμπληρώσει ή να αντικαταστήσει τους σημερινούς πόρους ; Ποιες θα είναι οι μακροπρόθεσμες συνέπειες της μόλυνσης στην υγεία , στις κλιματολογικές συνθήκες και στην γεωργική παραγωγή ;
Συζητήσεις πάνω σε τέτοια θέματα έχουν γεμίσει τόμους, καθώς οι μελετητές ατενίζουν το μέλλον με ποικίλα συναισθήματα αισιοδοξίας και θλίψης. Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας διάλεξης , με θέμα “Ο τρόμος της αλλαγής”, η κ. P.S. παρέθεσε τρεις απόψεις σχετικά με το μέλλον μας, για τις οποίες υπάρχει σχεδόν πλήρης συμφωνία. Ο ρυθμός της αλλαγής θα επιταχυνθεί, ο κόσμος θα γίνεται όλο και πιο σύνθετος και τόσο τα έθνη όσο και τα παγκόσμια θέματα θα γίνονται όλο και πιο αλληλοεξαρτώμενα.
Τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν οι μεγαλουπόλεις του Τρίτου Κόσμου δε μπορούν να αγνοηθούν από τα ανεπτυγμένα κράτη. Δε μπορούμε να ψάξουμε στο παρελθόν για λύσεις, αυτή η ανάπτυξη δεν έχει προηγούμενο . Βρισκόμαστε σε άγνωστα, αχαρτογράφητα νερά που αποτελούν πρόκληση.
Β : Να απαντήσετε στο τετράδιό σας στα αγγλικά, στις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις :
B1. a. Give a title and a subtitle to the above text.
B1 a. The Challenge of the Future / Will Growth Overwhelm Us?
b. What is the purpose of the text?
b. To pose the problem of the future impact of rapid growth on population, technology and pollution.
c. In your opinion who, in particular, is the text addressed to?
c. To any sensitive human being seriously concerned about the future of our world, scholars and laymen alike.
In particular, it is addressed to the heads of governments and international organisations in the developed countries of the West.
B2. a. You are interviewing Mrs. P.S. Ask her three questions concerning the reason of the aspects.
B2 a. Q1 How, in your opinion, could overpopulation be controlled? Assuming that all developed countries were aware of the problem, what should be their approach towards the population explosion observed in underdeveloped countries ?
Q2 Given the fact that even today, only a few years away from the turn of the 20th century, millions of people in the Third World countries are faced with the scourge of famine, do you believe that sufficient food supplies could be produced and distributed in order to feed the population of our planet?
Q3 How could worldwide pollution levels be brought down? Is it sound to pursue solutions using atomic power disregarding the dangers it entails?
b. Suppose the writer had some reservations. How could he then express himself?
b. It is extremely difficult to predict the future of our world of constant change. I honestly hope that the leaders of both the developed and underdeveloped countries alike will realise that drastic measures must be taken to combat these problems. We must realise that these problems are not indigenous to one country only or to a specific part of this planet, but affect us all, directly or indirectly.
c. How would you report the first paragraph of the text to a friend of yours without changing its meaning?
c. The author of an article I read expressed serious concern about the future. He wondered about how many people the earth could hold and whether birth and death rates would continue to decline. He questioned whether there would be enough food for the expanding population or whether new technology could supplement or replace today’s resources. Finally, he was concerned about the effects of pollution on health, climate and farm productions in the distant future.
Γ. Να γράψετε κείμενο (120 – 150 λέξεις περίπου) σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω θέμα :
Suppose you are the group leader of 45 children going on an excursion to Oxford. When you arrive you
find out that the rooms you had asked the tourist agency to book for you, have not been kept. Write a letter of protest to the above agency describing your discomfort. Start your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” and finish with “sincerely, XZ”
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about a recent booking I made through your agency. As the group leader of 45 children on an excursion to Oxford, I requested the booking of twenty-three double rooms for the children and myself, for one night at the Oxford Arms Hotel, on 5th April.
We arrived at the hotel at the pre-arranged time only to find out that the rooms had not been reserved by your company and that the hotel had no other vacancies. This led to the children and I having to chase around Oxford looking for another hotel wasting some the little time we had available for other scheduled activities and ended up having to pay much more than we could afford.
I am sure that you appreciate this was an intolerable situation to find ourselves in. I would be grateful if you could reimburse the additional cost we incurred, and because of the sensitivity of the situation involving children , I feel that some further compensation on your part would only be fair and just.
I look forward to a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully, XZ.
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