26esprov Proverbs
Dimitris Sclias

26esprov Proverbs

4. Proverbs & idioms
1. Too many cooks spoil the broth. – Όπου λαλούν πολλά κοκόρια αργεί να ξημερώσει.
2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. – Η πολλή δουλειά τρώει τον αφέντη.
3. A good beginning is half the battle. – Η καλή αρχή είναι το παν.
4. One bird in hand is worth two in the bush. – Κάλλιο πέντε και στο χέρι παρά δέκα και καρτέρι.
5. Strike while the iron is hot. – Στη βράση κολλάει το σίδηρο.
6. Necessity is the mother of invention. – Η ανάγκη είναι η πηγή της εφεύρεσης.
7. A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Ο φίλος στην ανάγκη φαίνεται.
8. The early bird gets the worm. – Όποιος πρόλαβε τον κύριο είδε.
9. Today a man tomorrow a mouse. – Από δήμαρχος κλητήρας.
10. To kill two birds with one stone. – Μ’ ένα σμπάρο δυο τρυγόνια.

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question 1

1. He tried to get both jobs but it isn't easy to kill two with one stone.
2. Start very carefully because a good
is half the battle.
3. If you want to succeed in life strike while the
is hot.
4. He feels dead tired because he is always working very hard. Somebody
should remind him that all work and no
makes Jack a dull boy.
5. The mayor was involved in a scandal and was thrown out of the city
hall. That's why we say "today a man
a mouse!"
6. You should have accepted that part time job because one bird in hand is
two in the bush.
7. A poor boy from India made the perfect computer! so it's true that necessity is the
of invention.
8. Remember you must be there on time because the early
gets the warm.
9. My best friend helped me a lot and of course I can say that a friend in
is a friend indeed.
10. You must do this job by yourself because too many cooks
the broth.

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