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05BS. Tail Questions 1
Dimitris Sclias
Tail questions - Ερωτήσεις ουράς.
Οι tail questions (ερωτηματικές φράσεις) μπαίνουν στο τέλος μιάς πρότασης, όταν θέλουμε
να ρωτήσουμε ή να επιβεβαιώσουμε κάτι. Στα Ελληνικά μεταφράζονται : έτσι δεν είναι; ή έ ;
-> Είναι ωραία μέρα, έ ; It's a nice day, isn't it ?
Σχηματισμός : Βοηθητικό ή ελλειπτικό ρήμα + υποκείμενο
1. Χρησιμοποιούμε πάντα τον σύντομο τύπο. -> isn't, doesn't, etc
2. Το υποκείμενο είναι πάντα αντωνυμία. -> Ι, you, he, etc
   -> Mr Smith is a good teacher, -> isn't he ? -> Ο κ. Σμιθ είναι ένας καλός δάσκαλος, -> δεν είναι;
3. Εάν δεν έχουμε βοηθητικό ρήμα βάζουμε Do, does ή did ανάλογα με τον χρόνο.
   -> Mary works today, -> doesn't she ? -> Η Μαίρη δουλεύει σήμερα, ->έτσι δεν είναι;
   -> Mary worked yesterday, -> didn't she ? -> Η Μαρία εργάστηκε χθες, -> ε;
4. Αν η κύρια πρόταση είναι καταφατική η tail question είναι  αρνητικο-ερωτηματική.
    -> she is a good driver, ......... -> isn't she ?  είναι καλή οδηγός,-> Δεν είναι;
5. Αν είναι αρνητική τότε η tail question είναι ερωτηματική.
   -> she isn't a good driver,......... -> is she ? Δεν είναι καλή οδηγός,-> είναι;
 -> I am tall, ....... -> aren't I ? -> Είμαι ψηλός-> Δεν είμαι;
 -> she's been to Italy ..... -> hasn't she ? -> έχει πάει στην Ιταλία ..... -> ε;
 -> He'll be there....... -> won't he ? -> Θα είναι εκεί ....... -> ε;
 -> there was a dance.... -> wasn't there ? -> έγινε ένας χορός .... -> ε;
 -> You shouldn't tell lies..... -> should you ? -> Δεν θα πρέπει να λέτε ψέματα ..... -> έτσι δεν είναι;

Please choose the right answer.

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question 1

The birds are singing happily, ...............?

A don't they
B didn't they
C aren't they

question 2

Mr Black is a good person, ............?

A doesn't he
B didn't he
C isn't he

question 3

They weren't at home last night, ............?

A were they
B did they
C are they

question 4

John could run very fast, ...............?

A couldn't he
B can't he
C isn't he

question 5

Tom worked yesterday, ...............?

A didn't he
B doesn't he
C hasn't he

question 6

Tom and Carol were very happy, ...............?

A aren't they
B didn't they
C weren't they

question 7

Helen will be at home tonight, .............?

A won't she
B didn't she
C isn't she

question 8

They won't work tomorrow, ..............?

A are they
B will they
C won't they

question 9

You know Mrs White, ...............?

A can't you
B didn't you
C don't you

question 10

I am a good farmer, ..............?

A isn't I
B aren't I
C don't I

question 11

You must think about it, ..............?

A don't you
B can't you
C mustn't you

question 12

Tom didn't go to the cinema, ...........?

A did he
B has he
C dos he

question 13

It was a very strong horse, ..............?

A isn't it
B wasn't it
C didn't it

question 14

You mustn't smoke, .............?

A can you
B do you
C must you

question 15

Bob can't do his homework, ............?

A must he
B can he
C does he

question 16

My mother couldn't speak German, ..............?

A could she
B is she
C does she

question 17

They are late today, .............?

A don't they
B aren't they
C didn't they

question 18

Tim came by train, ...............?

A didn't he
B doesn't he
C hasn't he

question 19

He hasn't been to Germany, ...............?

A does he
B has he
C is he

question 20

Betty can speak English, ...............?

A doesn't she
B isn't she
C can't she

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at the top of this page.