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06ESphv Phrasal verbs
Dimitris Sclias

Fill in the blanks with a preposition to form the right phrasal verb.
add up = find the sum of
answer back = reply rudely, argue
ask after = inquire about someone's health
ask out = invite out
back up = support
back out = withdraw
be up to = be engaged in sth wrong
beat up = injure (usually in a fight)
bend down = stoop
blow up = 1. explode 2. enlarge

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question 1

1 The robber backed of the room, holding a hostage. (out, off)
2 If you like her, why don't you ask her
? (about, out)
3 He bent
to pick up his book which had fallen on the floor. (up, down)
4 You shouldn't keep answering your father
because he's going to get angry.
5 The teacher told the pupils to add the numbers
. (on, up)
6 The burglars beat
the old man and got all his money. (up, out)
7 What is the matter? The police were here and asked
you. (over, after)
8 Don't worry, I'll back you
anytime you need help. (up, on)
9 What are the kids up
? they are acting very strangely. (on, to)
10. The robbers blew
the safe and got the money. (of, up)

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