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Dimitris Sclias

There are 40 questions in this paper. To complete the test you have to answer all 40 questions.
Time allowed to complete the test (all the questions) 15 minutes
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To pass the test successfully you must get at least 80% correct answers.
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question 1

profusem04b Part 2 Vocabulary

Find the word or phrase that is closest in the meaning to the underlined word with capital letters or the word which is omitted by choosing the correct answer a, b, c, or d.

Example 1. It's too windy to go for a STROLL.
a. swim b. sail c. drive d. walk -> correct answer -> d

2. Because of the storm it would be foolish to go out sailing
today in a small............. .
a. automobile b. house c. boat d. beast -> correct answer -> c

41. I wanted to pay my rent yesterday, but the.........wasn't home.

a. customer b. landlord c. buyer d. tenant

42. The mother SLAPPED the child.

a. looked at b. kissed c. hit d. loved

43. When the GALE began, I was on my way home.

a. new show b. big meeting c. terrible fight d. strong wind

44. For a week before the play started, the actors met every day to....

a. relate b. repent c. rehearse d. reverse

45. After walking in the snow for hours, they were glad that the room was so......

a. convert b. cozy c. contagious d. cowardly

46. The river is SHALLOW there.

a. not very fast b. not very deep
c. not very muddy d. not very wide

47. Professor Brown's lectures had a STARTLING effect on his students.

a. hopeful b. pleasing c. surprising d. lasting

48. Because we were unhappy with Professor Penhale's homework
assignment, we all began to............ .

a. grudge b. grasp c. gird d. grumble

49. The farm was poor because the soil was so.....

a. sandy b. rustic c. rusty d. rural

50. They decided to MODIFY their story.

a. explain b. tell c. write d. change

51. It was so cold that his hands became.....

a. neutral b. numb c. mossy d. nimble

52. Please STACK the boards over there.

a. count b. saw c. hide d. pile

53. Not everyone can be WELL-TO-DO.

a. rich b. healthy c. beautiful d. kind

54. Mary GLIMPSED a big rock in the river.

a. approached b. passed c. sighted d. put

55. They are going to SLAUGHTER the calf now.

a. steal b. mark c. kill d. sell

56. Jim tried to CONCEAL the package.

a. hide b. remember c. tie up d. wrap

57. The floor was dirty, so she decided

a. scrub b. screw c. scurry d. inscribe

58. Don't RELINQUISH that privilege!

a. depend upon b. ask for c. hope for d. give up

59. He watched the horse GRAZE in the field.

a. eat b. lie c. run d. jump

60. The doctor said that Johnny's illness was FEIGNED.

a. not bad b. not real c. serious d. unusual

61. The doctor's work was ESTEEMED by the government.

a. admired b. controlled c. published d. watched

62. Tom ACKNOWLEDGED his debt to Ed.

a. paid b. increased c. admitted d. mentioned

63. Tom RETORTED quickly.

a. answered b. left c. sat down d. returned

64. He didn't want to be misunderstood, so he spoke.......

a. distinctly b. strictly c. exclusively d. merrily

65. This is a large room. Its........are 39 feet by 25 feet.

a. dimensions b. environments c. expansions d. extremities

66. The rope had SNAPPED.

a. disappeared b. broken c. fallen d. stretched

67. They chased him, but Daniel was so fast he was able to.......them.

a. exceed b. outrun c. supersede d. overtake

68. They PLUNDERED the whole city.

a. visited b. walked around c. robbed d. taxed

69. He told us about the WEIRD adventures he had experienced on his African trip.

a. hard b. strange c. many d. dangerous

70. Al must run faster, or Jim will...........him.

a. undertake b. overtake c. quicken d. regain

71. The young man easily VAULTED the fence.

a. climbed over b. jumped over c. repaired d. tore down

72. A new procedure EVOLVED in the Senate.

a. was voted on b. passed c. developed d. was suggested

73. No one would hit a helpless cat except a............

a. blacksmith b. caterpillar c. bunny d. brute

74. The theater was..........with cheering people.

a. flocked b. fitted c. jammed d. complete

75. Most of the cloth had been sold. All that was left were a few....

a. remnants b. retorts c. laments d. refusals

76. I told Johnny to be good, but he picked up a rock and..........the living room window.

a. terrified b. ruffled c. shattered d. violated

77. He BRANDISHED the paper.

a. waved b. lost c. demanded d. folded

78. There was a BRAWL in the house.

a. fight b. noise c. guest d. dog

79. The boy was surprised by the THRONG.

a. storm b. result c. gift d. crowd

80. Her skin was very SWARTHY.

a. thin b. dry c. clean d. dark

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