The biggest English lessons software online
Please click below to translate whatever you want.
To hear it, click on the speaker icon.
When you finish click X to return to your lesson.
Google Translation

D. Education English lessons software online.

   1. Practice All main exercises
 When you enter a lesson, read the theory-examples carefully .
 Look at the questions very carefully and answer all of them.
 Each lesson gives you 30 minutes to do the exercises , do not worry
 there is enough time.
 When you finish the test and you have answered all the questions,

to see  your results, click on the button  Verify.
 To pass the course successfully you will have to get at least
 80 % of the total score .
 Along with the report there are the following buttons .
 PRINT - print results. You can also print whatever you want with the mouse right click - Print
 REPEAT- answer again all the questions of the lesson


Lesson planning: how to start effectively.
We have written everything  in such a way that it's very easy

to follow our English program online.

Attention USE
the language tools "Translation"
If you do not understand a word, phrase or sentence,

copy them (mouse right click) ,

then click on "translation" at the top of the lesson page,

choose your language and paste them in your google translation.

You will see everything translated automatically.

 To hear them, click on the speaker icon.




Grammar theory-examples, read, write, listen lessons

Please remember:

Read thoroughly the theory-examples of each lesson.

Read the passages very carefully

Read the essays very carefully and try to remember them

Listen to the passages many times to understand them well

To move to the next test, you should get a score of over 80% correct answers.


Grammar theory and Practice

Click on the first lesson to start, read thoroughly the theory-examples of each lesson and

after you have understood it well, do all the exercises that follow.

attention! If your score in a lesson is over 80% then continue to the next lesson,

otherwise repeat the test from the beginning. Continue until you finish the entire class.


Reading Passages

Read the passages very carefully in order to understand them very well

Then do the following exercises and try to get at least 80% correct answers or over.


Writing Essays (compositions)

Read the essays very carefully and try to remember them well (memorize them)

because if you need to write the same topic later, they will help you to write a good composition.

Then do the tests and try to get at least 80% correct answers or over.


Listening section

Listen to the passages many times to understand them well and when you feel ready

do all the listening exercises that follow. of course here, too you should get a score

of over 80% correct answers.


Let's Talk (Speaking topics)


Read  the topics (texts) of speech very thoroughly, then listen to them many times.

Try to say them yourself and memorize them, so that if you take an English exam

to be able to speak about that topic fluently.

That's all, when you have got over 80% correct answers in the whole class

move on to the next class.

Good Luck!

D.Education English lessons software online  © copyright