


22 Ιουνίου 2017


1. Να απαντήσετε σε όλα τα ερωτήματα στο τετράδιό σας ακολουθώντας την αρίθμηση των θεμάτων ως εξής:
Α1. 1. ...
2. ...

Α2. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και το γράμμα που αντιστοιχεί στη σωστή απάντηση, π.χ.
4. - A 5. ...

Β1. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και τη ζητούμενη λέξη.
10. ...
11. ...

Β2. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και τις ζητούμενες λέξεις.
15. ...
16. ...

Β3. Να αντιστοιχίσετε τον αριθμό με το σωστό γράμμα και να γράψετε μόνο την αντιστοιχία, π.χ.
20. - Α
21. ...

Γ. Να αναπτύξετε το ζητούμενο θέμα στο τετράδιό σας χωρίς να αντιγράψετε την οδηγία-εκφώνηση.

2. Να χρησιμοποιήσετε μόνο μπλε ή μαύρο στυλό διαρκείας και μόνο ανεξίτηλης μελάνης.


Μόλις μπείτε στα quiz tests διαβάστε και απαντήστε πολύ προσεχτικά όλες τις ερωτήσεις.

Για τις ερωτήσεις πολλαπλής επιλογής:
Κλικ την σωστή απάντηση A,B,C,D (μόνο μία απάντηση είναι σωστή). Συνεχίστε να απαντήσετε σε όλες τις ερωτήσεις. Όταν τελειώσετε, κλικ στο πάνω μέρος της σελίδας στο κουμπί 'VERIFY' για να δείτε το αποτέλεσμα και την βαθμολογία σας.

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Ορισμένες ερωτήσεις δεν είναι πολλαπλής επιλογής καθώς πρέπει να (απαντήσετε) γράψετε την γνώμη σας με μικρές παραγράφους, επίσης θα γράψετε εκθέσεις.
Σ'αυτές τις ερωτήσεις για να απαντήσετε, παρακαλώ γράψτε την απάντησή σας σε ένα τετράδιο και μετά, για να δείτε πόσο σωστή είναι, να την συγκρίνετε με την σωστή απάντηση που έχουμε γράψει από κάτω. Έτσι εσείς θα κρίνετε την βαθμολογία σας
Να διαβάζετε τις εκθέσεις (model essays) πολλές φορές για να τις θυμάστε πολύ καλά.
Καλή Επιτυχία

Διάρκεια εξέτασης: Τρεις (3) ώρες
Έναρξη χρόνου εξέτασης: Αμέσως μετά τη διανομή των θεμάτων Δυνατότητα αποχώρησης: 11:30

To verify the results of the quiz, press the button on the right

ερώτηση 1

Α. Read the text below and respond to tasks A1 and A2.

Knowing the extent of our influence as parents can make our task all the more daunting. The endless rise of new parenting methods we hear about in the media can add to our sense of confusion and lack of confidence. Are parents sweating the “small stuff” and worrying over the less important aspects of what makes a successful child?

Does it really matter if a toddler throws food, eats quinoa or can recite poetry? I don’t believe it does. I call these things the “outside stuff”, whether it concerns appearances, manners, or anything that children can get a certificate for, it’s all relatively superficial.

For me the part you can’t afford to get wrong, that will make it all worthwhile, is the “inside stuff”. This is what you can’t see, but you can feel in your child: self-esteem, empathy, curiosity and affection.
As a child psychiatrist, I’m only too aware of the facts and figures on child mental health. These are stark: 75% of adult mental health problems begin before the age of 18, and 50% begin before the age of 14.

The evidence is clear: if we want to promote psychological wellbeing, we need to look at what is happening much earlier than adolescence. If we want happy, healthy adults, we need first to raise happy, healthy children.

Where do these “inside” qualities come from? Is it something innate within the child? Is it genetic? Is it nurture? From a neurological perspective, how a child’s brain develops connects all these elements.

A child’s brain also has amazing capabilities to adapt, picking up foreign languages and musical instruments with much greater ease than adults.

They are emotional sponges, too, able to absorb the adult feelings and behaviour around them, so if music and language can be hard-wired into the brain in these early years of a child’s life, shouldn’t this also be the case for the “inside stuff”? And if so, then the critical part of parenting happens very early on. The saying: “Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man” couldn’t be truer. It is in these first seven years that parental involvement can have the most significant impact. al-but-invisible-early-lessons-that-last-a-lifetime

A1. Answer questions 1-3 based on the text above (max. 30 words each). (3 x 4 points = 12 points)
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Ορισμένες ερωτήσεις δεν είναι πολλαπλής επιλογής καθώς πρέπει να (απαντήσετε) γράψετε την γνώμη σας με μικρές παραγράφους.
Σ'αυτές τις ερωτήσεις όπως εδώ, για να απαντήσετε, γράψτε την απάντησή σας σε ένα τετράδιο και μετά, για να δείτε πόσο σωστή είναι, να την συγκρίνετε με την σωστή απάντηση που έχουμε γράψει από κάτω. Έτσι εσείς θα κρίνετε την βαθμολογία σας.

Question 1
1. What would be a suitable title for this article?

A model correct answer:
Promoting a child's inner qualities: the key to healthy adulthood

ερώτηση 2

What is the main point of this article?

A model correct answer
2. It is in early childhood that parents can influence their child's development by providing them with healthy psychological support

ερώτηση 3

Based on the text, what advice would you give to young parents regarding their children's upbringing?

A Model correct answer
3. Infuse your children with positive qualities. Boost their confidence, teach them to be compassionate and affectionate, instill in them a curiosity for life and watch them grow into happy adults.

ερώτηση 4

A2. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for items 4-9 below. (6 x 3 points = 18 points)

4. Who is this text addressed to?

A Psychologists
B Parents.
C Educators.

ερώτηση 5

According to the writer of this article, it is important that parents…

A focus on their child's inner world
B provide their children with a healthy diet
C seek a specialist's advice to raise healthy children.

ερώτηση 6

Findings from the research presented in the text reveal that...

A most adult mental health problems begin well before the age of 18.
B half of the adult mental problems begin after the age of 18.
C 75% of the mental problems adults experience begin at the age of 14

ερώτηση 7

According to the writer of this article, a child's development is influenced by...

A genetic factors
B environmental factors
C both genetic and environmental factors.

ερώτηση 8

According to the text, children are like "emotional sponges" because they...

A easily understand the feelings of grown-ups
B learn foreign languages easily.
C learn how to play a musical instrument with ease.

ερώτηση 9

According to the writer of this article, children's inner qualities...

A can be instilled.
B are visible
C cannot be learnt

ερώτηση 10


B1.Use the correct form of the following words (A-H) to complete the gaps (10-14) in the following text, as in the example. There are TWO extra words you do not need. (5 x 2 points = 10 points)

A. consume --- B. differ ---- C. affect ---- D. ideal ------
E. attend ---- F. particular ---- (G. say example) ---- H. ... energy

Example: The (example-> saying) goes that you are what you eat. correct answer = saying
The (ex.) saying goes that you are what you eat, so when it comes to exam time it makes sense to think carefully about what you are feeding your body. Food is fuel and knowing what to eat and drink ahead of exams can make all the (10) --------- to your performance.
A key factor in how well you do in an exam is "cognitive function" which pretty much means the functioning of the brain. This includes variables such as memory and (11) ----------- and it can be easily affected by how much, and what type of food you do or do not eat.

So where to start? Well, the first thing to consider - which is (12) --------- important for morning exams - is to eat breakfast. Evidence suggests that breakfast (13) --------- , when compared to skipping breakfast, enhances cognitive function in children, adolescents and adults - and that missing breakfast can impair your cognitive function and exam performance. So you should always make sure you eat something before an exam - (14) --------- about two hours beforehand

ερώτηση 10

ερώτηση 11

ερώτηση 12

ερώτηση 13

ερώτηση 14

ερώτηση 15

Fill in the gaps (15-19) with two words in the second statement, so that they have a similar meaning with the first statements A, as in the example. (5 x 2 points = 10 points)

1. She almost won the race
2. She -came close - to winning the race.
Correct answer -> came close
Ερώτηση 15
1. The children were warned not to cross the park at night.
2. The children were warned ------- the park at night.

Answer q-15

ερώτηση 16

1. It never occurs to my sister to call me
2. My sister never -------- calling me.

Answer q-16

ερώτηση 17

1. A large number of the songs, which Phil recorded, became hits.
2. Phil recorded a number of songs, ------- which became hits.

Answer q-17

ερώτηση 18

1. They cancelled the football match because of the heavy rainfall.
2. The football match was cancelled ------- the heavy rainfall.

Answer q-18

ερώτηση 19

1. You'd have passed your test if you hadn't been so nervous.
2. -------- your nervousness, you'd have passed your test.

Answer q-19

ερώτηση 20

B3. The sentences about the Wright brothers have been jumbled up. Choose from items A - F and decide on the correct order by writing the number of the item (20-24) and the letter corresponding to each sentence in the order in which they should appear. There is ONE extra option you do not need to use. (5 x 2 points = 10 points)

The Wright brothers

A. The Wrights, however, refused to follow this advice or to alter their plans, as they were certain their machine embodied the principles of aviation and they were confident of their success.

B. When finally they made their first ascent from the desert tract beside the sea, to be borne aloft for almost a whole minute (59 seconds), a great change was effected in the nation's attitude.

C. The Wright Brothers, mechanics and bicycle shop owners from Dayton, were laughed at by people saying that a practicable flying machine would never be built and counseling them to stay on the ground.

D. Always working on different mechanical projects and keeping up with scientific research, the Wright brothers closely followed the research of German aviator Otto Lilienthal.

E. Those who had formerly been skeptical and had prophesied that the Wright machine would remain forever stationary on the earth, were loudest in their praise of the aviation pioneers.

F. As a result, the brothers, each a man of mettle and each the perfect complement to the other, set out with their ingenious device but with very little capital.

ερώτηση 20

ερώτηση 21

ερώτηση 22

ερώτηση 23

ερώτηση 24

ερώτηση 25


Produce a written text of 180-200 words.
(40 points)

TASK: A European Youth magazine is asking teenagers to express their views on the following question: "In what ways can social media affect your relationships with friends?" Write an article for the magazine, in which you

a) express your opinion on the topic, and
b) justify your view, by providing three examples from your own experience. You do not need to provide a title.

Do not sign the article.

ΠΡΟΣΟXH: η έκθεση η το άρθρο δεν είναι ερώτηση πολλαπλής επιλογής καθώς πρέπει να (απαντήσετε) γράψετε την γνώμη σας για το θέμα.
Για να απαντήσετε, παρακαλώ γράψτε την εκθεσή σας σε ένα τετράδιο και μετά, για να δείτε πόσο σωστή είναι, να την συγκρίνετε με την σωστή απάντηση (Model Essay) που έχουμε γράψει από κάτω. Έτσι εσείς θα κρίνετε την βαθμολογία σας. (40 points).
Να διαβάζετε τις εκθέσεις (model essays) πολλές φορές για να τις θυμάστε πολύ καλά.

A Γ. model essay correct answer
Like most teenagers, social media plays an enormous role in my life. Older generations often complain that it is not healthy. However, I definitely believe it has a positive influence on teenage relationships.

Clearly, as regards maintaining contact with friends, it has no parallel. Social media sites give us 24/7 access to our friends. Mine are usually busy with schoolwork during the day. So we hook up late in the evening, when it would be impractical to meet outside, to safely chat on Facebook, sharing our experiences and solidifying our friendships.

Social media also provides more meaningful communication. For shy people like me, it allows me to express my feelings more openly and confidently. I recently uploaded a poem on Facebook and I really appreciated the positive responses I received from my friends.

Of course, there are downsides. It can lead to misunderstandings, like when a friend of mine posted a negative comment about someone else. This led to them falling out, and though they have since made up, we all learnt a valuable lesson.
With care however, I strongly believe that social media enhances a teenagers relationships and helps us all feel a little less alone.