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Vocabularies are very important. Please repeat the quiz as many times as
  you can, in order to learn them well.

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question 1


A abundance; full amount; excessive supply
B lengthy, heartfelt speech; scolding; lecture
C suitability; ability
D keenness of mind; insight; astuteness; shrewdness

question 2


A insult; curse; affront; offense
B indirect reference (often literary); hint
C drawing that exaggerates certain physical characteristics
D burden; duty; obligation; responsibility

question 3


A to belittle; to speak slightingly of; to reduce the value or cost; to disparage
B to declare positively; to confirm; to affirm
C to postpone; to put off to another time; to delay; to hold back
D to refer indirectly to something; to hint

question 4


A unidentified; disguised; concealed; anonymous; unknown
B deserving respect or reverence because of age; worthy of honor and esteem
C unreal; made-up; false
D honest; truthful; sincere; frank; straightforward; open

question 5


A dead; vanished; gone
B corpselike; hence; haggard; pale; ghastly
C pertaining to or used in a court of law; rhetorical; argumentative
D severe; demanding; strict; binding; constraining

question 6


A quarrelsome; warlike
B incapable of being defended or held; uninhabitable
C perfect or highly accomplished; excellent; skilled; complete
D pertaining to the common people, hence common or vulgar; rude

question 7


A thin and light
B clever; resourceful; talented; inventive
C wasteful; careless; not saving up for future needs
D well-deserved (applied chiefly to punishment); proper; fitting

question 8


A working class; social class comprised of manual laborers
B group of people joined by a secret; group of conspirators
C little world or universe in miniature
D abundance; full amount; excessive supply

question 9


A to guess; to speculate; to surmise; to hypothesize; to infer
B to echo; to resonate; to resound
C to publish; to spread abroad; to declare; to advertise widely
D to encourage; to support

question 10


A enemy; foe; opponent; rival
B front or face, especially of a building; illusion; deceptive appearance
C origin; beginning; creation
D faithfulness; loyalty

question 11


A pertaining to the common people, hence common or vulgar; rude
B temporary; for the time being; contingent; interim
C rarely occurring or appearing; intermittent; occasional; irregular; infrequent
D working secretly or slyly; cunning; crafty; deceitful

question 12


A wasteful; careless; not saving up for future needs
B wise; prudent; sensible; discreet
C bulging; swelling out; jutting out
D working or done for payment only; hired for service

question 13


A indifferent; lethargic
B immature; not fully developed; fundamental
C complicated; confusing; maze-like
D unable to be satisfied; extremely greedy

question 14


A swollen; inflated; using big or high-sounding words
B incapable of being defended or held; uninhabitable
C lacking in seriousness; vain and silly; stupid; foolish; inane
D sounding jarring; discordant

question 15


A to start; to provoke; to inflame; to incite
B to delay or refuse to commit oneself in order to gain time; to avoid an answer
C to foil; to thwart; to disappoint; to defeat; to baffle
D to assume a deceptive appearance or character; to impersonate

question 16


A stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing; stiff-necked
B having a wide knowledge acquired through reading; learned; knowledgeable; educated
C very holy; inviolable
D merciful; gentle; lenient; tender; mild

question 17


A temporary; for the time being; contingent; interim
B unusual; striking; foreign; out of the ordinary
C unequal; different; unlike; contrasting
D noble; honorable; candid; artless; honest; innocent

question 18


A shortened; summarized
B superior; independent; self-governing
C rigorously abstinent; severe; self-denying; celibate
D prosperous; flourishing; copious; rich; abundant; wealthy

question 19


A trite; without freshness or originality; commonplace; stale; usual
B unreal; made-up; false
C immature; not fully developed; fundamental
D unmoved or indifferent; composed; casual; indifferent

question 20


A juicy; delectable; luscious
B fearful; aware; conscious; worried; concerned
C festive; gay; friendly; sociable; merry
D irrelevant; not related; not essential