
Οδηγίες Listening
To listening TOEIC αποτελείται από 4 μέρη με συνολικά 100 ερωτήσεις.
Για να αρχίσετε το τεστ πατήστε play ( αν δεν αρχίσει κλικ play ξανά)
Απαντήστε στην κάθε ερώτηση γράφοντας a, b, c η d στο πλαίσιο δίπλα από την απάντηση.
Όταν τελειώσετε το πρώτο μέρος το listening σταματάει αυτόματα. Για να συνεχίσετε στο
Δεύτερο μέρος πατήστε πάλι το Play και απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις. Το ίδιο θα επαναλάβετε
Για το τρίτο και τέταρτο μέρος. Όταν τελειώσετε ολόκληρο το Τεστ, πατήστε το κουμπί VERIFY στο πάνω μέρος της σελίδας για να δείτε τα συνολικά αποτελέσματα.
Οι 100 ερωτήσεις λαβαίνουν 495 συνολική βαθμολογία. Αν λαβαίνετε μικρό ποσοστό επιτυχίας να επαναλαμβάνετε το τεστ.
Για να Υπολογίσετε την βαθμολογία σας μαζί με το listening, προσθέστε την βαθμολογία που πήρατε στο reading test 1 με την βαθμολογία που πήρατε στο listen Test 1 - το σύνολο αυτών θα είναι και η τελική βαθμολογία για ολόκληρο το ΤΕΣΤ 1. Το ίδιο θα κάνετε και για τα υπόλοιπα ΤΕΣΤ.
Αντιστοίχηση Βαθμολογίας.
Πολύ Καλή…….Advanced…………...785-900
Πριν από το κάθε μέρος να βλέπετε προσεχτικά όλες τις ερωτήσεις , αυτό θα σας βοηθήσει αρκετά.
Καλή επιτυχία

To verify the results of the quiz, press the button on the right

question 1

 For each question, you will see a picture and you will hear four short statements just one time so you must listen carefully.
Please write in the answer box the correct answer a, b, c or d.



1. a b c d -> Answer:

question 2

2. a b c d -> Answer:

question 3

3. a b c d -> Answer:

question 4

4. a b c d -> Answer:

question 5

5. a b c d -> Answer:

question 6

6. a b c d -> Answer:

question 7

7. a b c d -> Answer:

question 8

8. a b c d -> Answer:

question 9

9. a b c d -> Answer:

question 10

10. a b c d -> Answer:

question 11

Part 2 Instructions
In this part, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English, followed by three responses.
The question or statement and the responses will be spoken only one time, so you must listen carefully.(30 questions)
Choose the best response to each question a, b, c, or d

11. a b c -> Answer:

question 12


12. a b c -> Answer:

question 13


13. a b c -> Answer:

question 14


14. a b c -> Answer:

question 15


15. a b c -> Answer:

question 16


16. a b c -> Answer:

question 17


17. a b c -> Answer:

question 18


18. a b c -> Answer:

question 19


19. a b c -> Answer:

question 20


20. a b c -> Answer:

question 21


21. a b c -> Answer:

question 22


22. a b c -> Answer:

question 23


23. a b c -> Answer:

question 24


24. a b c -> Answer:

question 25


25. a b c -> Answer:

question 26


26. a b c -> Answer:

question 27


27. a b c -> Answer:

question 28


28. a b c -> Answer:

question 29


29. a b c -> Answer:

question 30


30. a b c -> Answer:

question 31


31. a b c -> Answer:

question 32


32. a b c -> Answer:

question 33


33. a b c -> Answer:

question 34


34. a b c -> Answer:

question 35


35. a b c -> Answer:

question 36


36. a b c -> Answer:

question 37


37. a b c -> Answer:

question 38


38. a b c -> Answer:

question 39


39. a b c -> Answer:

question 40


40. a b c -> Answer:

question 41

Part 3 Instructions
In this part, you will hear some conversations. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Choose the best response to each question and write in the answer box
a, b, c, or d. The conversations will be spoken only one time.
Before you press Play to start the listening test, Take a good look at all the questions just to get an idea. When you take the actual exams please do the same.

41. How does Megan feel about the presentation she will give? -> Answer:
a. confident
b. unsure
c. terrified
d. proud

question 42


42. What is true about Megan? -> Answer:
a. she is advising Michael
b. she is preparing at the last minute
c. she is planning ahead
d. she has been to a lot of conferences

question 43


43. What will happen On Friday the 5th? -> Answer:
a. Michael will help Megan
b. Megan will give a presentation
c. Michael has a deadline
d. there is a conference

question 44


44. What is the woman trying to do? -> Answer:
a. find a summer employment
b. get help for a disabled child
c. offer her assistance
d. Meet Anna

question 45


45. What does the woman need to do next? -> Answer:
a. come back in a few hours
b. come back some morning
c. try to find another place to volunteer
d. give the man her CV

question 46


46. How could the man be best described? -> Answer:
a. helpful
b. unhelpful
c. afraid
d. annoyed

question 47


47. How does the woman feel ? -> Answer:
a. absolutely furious
b. impatient
c. grateful
d. annoyed

question 48


48. Why did the man make a mistake? -> Answer:
a. he was careless
b. he did not have information
c. to provoke the woman
d. because the job was confusing

question 49


49. Why can't the woman go on Thursday evenings? -> Answer:
a. Elsie told her that she mustn't
b. she will miss the meeting
=c. she has to work
d. she doesn't want to

question 50


50. What would the woman like to be doing on the weekend? -> Answer:
a. visiting Todd
b. swimming
c. working on a computer
d. taking a sick day

question 51


51. What is the tone of the man's word? -> Answer:
a. angry
b. serious
c. joking
d. wishful

question 52


52. What is the relationship between the two speakers? -> Answer:
a. husband and wife
b. co-workers
c. employee and boss
d. friends

question 53


53. How could you describe the woman's attitude? -> Answer:
a. grateful
b. unreasonable
c. insecure
d. understanding

question 54


54. What was the purpose of the man's conversation with Ms. Johnson? -> Answer:
a. to give information
b. to ask for help
c. to get sympathy
d. to challenge her

question 55


55. What is the relationship between the man and Ms. Johnson? -> Answer:
a. relatives
b. co-workers
c. friends
d. employee and boss

question 56


56. What made the woman think that Laura would like the job? -> Answer:
a. Laura's words
b. Laura's expression
c. the man told her
d. the disadvantages

question 57


57. What does the woman think Laura will do? -> Answer:
a. she will definitely take the job
b. she will definitely not accept the job
c. she will probably take the job
d. she won't be able to decide

question 58


58. What does the man think it would be hard for Laura to decide to take the job? -> Answer:
a. it is not a good position
b. it is far from her family
c. she isn't adventurous
d. she must decide quickly

question 59


59. How did the man feel when heard about the woman's decision? -> Answer:
a. worried
b. frustrated
c. surprised
d. he had suspected it

question 60


60. How often does the woman think she would use the car? -> Answer:
a. every day
b. occasionally
c. constantly
d. very rarely

question 61


61. What does the man think is the problem with renting a car? -> Answer:
a. it would be too expensive
b. it would interfere with work
c. it would discourage trips
d. it would be unnecessary

question 62


62. How is the woman feeling? -> Answer:
a. angry
b. frightened
c. worried
d. relaxed

question 63


63. Why is the woman unhappy with her office mate? -> Answer:
a. she is obnoxious
b. she doesn't answer the questions
c. she doesn't start conversations
d. she bothers her all the time

question 64


64. How does the man think the woman should be? -> Answer:
a. straightforward
b. independent
c. cautious

question 65


65. What food does the man not like? -> Answer:
a. steak
b. chips
c. salad
d. tomato

question 66


66. If the man doesn't eat his salad, what will happen? -> Answer:
a. he will go hungry
b. he will still eat well
c. he will let someone down
d. it will be the end of the world

question 67


67. How can the woman be described? -> Answer:
a. bored
b. indifferent
c. delighted
d. polite

question 68


68. What is the man's job? -> Answer:
a. to design things
b. to make things
c. to sell things
d. to invent things

question 69


69. What was the man's attitude towards the work? -> Answer:
a. he enjoyed it
b. he worked hard but he didn't like it
c. it was not very important to him
d. he was serious and practical

question 70


70. Why is the woman speaking to the man? -> Answer:
a. to warn him about a job
b. to thank him for his work
c. to encourage him to work harder
d. to ask for his assistance

question 71

Part 4: Talks
Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about
what the speaker says in each talk. choose the best response to each question and write the letter a, b, c, or d

71. What is the building? -> Answer:
a. a factory
b. a shop
c. a gallery
d. a hospital

question 72


72. What were the Bradford family? -> Answer:
a. artists
b. politicians
c. actors
d. fashion designers

question 73


73. Who is Charles Bradford? -> Answer:
a. Alan's great grandfather
b. someone who will open the building
c. an artist
d. a classical music player

question 74


74. Where would this announcement most likely be heard? -> Answer:
a. at a taxi stand
b. at an airport
c. at a train station
d. on a ship

question 75


75. What time does the fast train to Atlanta leave? -> Answer:
a. 11:30
b. 11:50
c. 10:50
d. 11:40

question 76


76. Which platform will the Washington train leave from? -> Answer:
a. six
b. seven
c. eleven
d. four

question 77


77. Who is talking? -> Answer:
a. a receptionist
b. a shop assistant
c. a waiter
d. a butcher

question 78


78. How many specials are there to choose from? -> Answer:
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 2

question 79


79. What does he not tell them about immediately? -> Answer:
a. the fish
b. the steak
c. the desserts
d. the salads

question 80


80. Who is the talk directed at? -> Answer:
a. campaigners
b. radio listeners
c. politicians
d. astronomers

question 81


81. By what percentage has light pollution increased over the last ten years? -> Answer:
a. 25%
b. 10%
c. 11%
d. 5%

question 82


82. What is the next thing the listeners will hear? -> Answer:
a. an astronomer
b. Mervin
c. music
d. horoscopes

question 83


83. How many films will be shown this week? -> Answer:
a. thee
b. eight
c. twelve
d. five

question 84


84. How long is the film? -> Answer:
a. half an hour
b. an hour
c. one and a half hour
d. two hours

question 85


85. What will happen after the film? -> Answer:
a. there will be refreshments
b. the director will make a speech
c. the actors will perform
d. they will go to a wine bar.

question 86


86. Where is this announcement being made? -> Answer:
a. in a restaurant
b. at a train station
c. in a shopping mall
d. in a supermarket

question 87


87. Where can you get something free to eat? -> Answer:
a. 'Kidsworld'
b. 'the coffee place'
c. the bakery
d. the supermarket

question 88


88. What time is it now? -> Answer:
a. 5pm
b. 3pm
c. 4pm
d. 8pm

question 89


89. Where Are they? -> Answer:
a. on the plane on the runway
b. in the airport building
c. on the bus
d. in a plane in the air

question 90


90. Who is speaking? -> Answer:
a. a member of the ground crew
b. a member of the cabin crew
c. the captain
d. a luggage handler

question 91


91. How many times will they stop before Cape Town? -> Answer:
a. once
b. three times
c. twice
d. not at all

question 92


92. What is the problem? -> Answer:
a. a computer isn't working
b. a computer didn't arrive
c. someone needs to find a service center
d. a telephone isn't working

question 93


93. The man speaking is… -> Answer:
a. on the radio
b. at the computer
c. at a service center
d. on the telephone

question 94


94. What should be done first? -> Answer:
a. click 'my computer' icon
b. click 'programs icon'
c. connect to the Internet
d. close all programs

question 95


95. Who is most likely speaking? -> Answer:
a. a store owner
b. a radio announcer
c. a professor
d. someone who read a newspaper

question 96


96. What is predicted to happen in 2008? -> Answer:
a. recession
b. the dollar will rise against the yen
c. a housing slump
d. interest rates will be cut

question 97


97. What accounts for two thirds of the US economy? -> Answer:
a. consumer spending
b. housing
c. banking
d. investment

question 98


98. Who is being spoken to ? -> Answer:
a. staff at registration
b. delegates
c. a presenter
d. a conference organizer

question 99


99. How many times has this conference taken place before? -> Answer:
a. 4
b. 1
c. 0
d. 2

question 100


100. What happens at 9am tomorrow? -> Answer:
a. registration begins
b. delegates arrive
c. presentations begin
d. breakfast

The end

Όταν τελειώσετε ολόκληρο το Τεστ, πατήστε το κουμπί VERIFY στο πάνω μέρος της σελίδας για να δείτε τα συνολικά αποτελέσματα.