Google Translation

01pr2gram transformation
Dimitris Sclias
Level 7- Proficiency2 Class

Complete the second sentence using the word given and other words(no more than eight).

Example : Immediately after his arrival things went wrong. SOONER
No.........................than things went wrong.
Answer : sooner had he arrived

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question 1

1 I'm sure he took your briefcase by mistake. ON
I'm sure he
2. We only despatch goods after receiving the money. BEEN
Only after the money
despatch goods.
3 You pay $20 a month for a period of one year. SUCCESSIVE
You pay $20 in
4 He'll settle down. Then his performance will improve. HAS
will improve.
5 It is said that he escaped to a neutral country. HAVE
a neutral country.
6 The truth only came out on the publication of the general's personal diaries. PUBLISHED
Only when the
did the truth come out.
7 Oil was slowly coating the edge of the shore. BEING
The edge of the shore
by oil.
8 In spite of the rain forecast it stayed fine. BEEN
it stayed fine.
9 We'd prefer you not to smoke. RATHER
10 You really should be able to dress yourself by now! WERE
It's high

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