Positive ---
I am am I?
I am not (I'm
You are are
you are not (you aren't)
He is is he? he is not (he isn't)
She is is she? she is not (she isn't)
It is
is it?
It is
not (it isn't)
We are are
we are not (we
You are are
you are not (you aren't)
They are are they? They are not
(they aren't)
I am -> I'm
I am
not -> I'm not
You are>
You're you are not -> You're not
He is -> He's
He is not -> He's not
She is -> She's
She is not -> She's not
It is -> It's
It is
not -> It's not
We are -> we're
We are not -> We're not
You are>
You're You are not -> You're not
They are -> They're They
are not -> They're not
Examples : ********** -> Tony is a boy -> He's a boy. -> Mary is a girl -> She's a girl. -> Pete and Tom are here -> They're here. -> Who are you? - I'm Tim. -> Are you teachers? - Yes, we are. -> Is he Peter ? - No, he isn't -> Are they girls? - Yes, they are. -> Is this a pen? - No, it isn't. -> Is that a train? - Yes, it is. -> Are these balls? - Yes, they are. -> Are those pencils? - No, they aren't. -> Are you a postman? - No, I'm not. -> Who are they? - They're Mr and Mrs Brown. -> Are you at school? - Yes, we are.
Please choose the right answer. |