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Dimitris Sclias

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question 1

question 1

For numbers 11 to 16, choose and write the correct answer A, B or C.


11. This person has to use a wheelchair.
12. This person gets gardening help from the children.
13. This person designs gardens suited to special needs.
14. This person feels the garden work has helped his/her mood.
15. This person finds practical solutions to social problems.
16. This person says the garden has improved the family diet.

Now fill in the spaces. Write A, B or C, of the correct answer for questions 17 to 20.

17. Barker's idea is to help poor people to have food.
A. pride as well as   B. completely free   C. medical care and

18. Initially, the money for the wood, soil and seeds came from
A. the families   B. the government   C. generous people

19. the 1400 gardens given so far by the Home Gardening Project have been successful..
A. Nearly all    B. About half of    C. Only a few of

20. Barker's goal is now to start HGP's in
A. other cities   B. other countries   C. rural areas


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