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  D.Education ajuniorlis04
Dimitris Sclias

Click on the sound icon to listen to the word or phrase.
If you want to listen again, click as many times as you wish.
When you finish all the exercises, click on the button OK
to see the results.



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question 1

A A banana is yellow
B A tomato is red

question 2

A This elephant is pink
B This elephant is grey

question 3

A A tomato is red
B This frog is green

question 4

A This monkey is yellow
B This monkey is brown

question 5

A A blackboard is white
B A blackboard is black

question 6

A This frog is green.
B A potato is brown

question 7

A Orange juice is orange
B Orange juice is red

question 8

A The sea is green
B The sea is blue

question 9

A The sea is blue
B This frog is green

question 10

A Milk is white
B A banana is yellow