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02DS. Modal verbs.
Dimitris Sclias
2D. Modal verbs.
Modal verbs - Ελλειπτικά ρήματα3
will - would (θα), shall - should (θα)
    -> Ι will/shall go - θα πάω , I would go - θα πήγαινα.
    -> I should go - θα πρέπει (θα έπρεπε) να πάω .
    Με το ρήμα shall επίσης προτείνουμε.
    -> Shall we go out tonight ? -> Να βγούμε απόψε;
should/ought to (θα πρέπει/έπρεπε), δίνουμε συμβουλές.
  -> You should/ought to visit your grandmother. -> Θα πρέπει / έπρεπε, να επισκεφθείς τη γιαγιά σου.
can (μπορώ να) - could (μπορούσα να)
  1. Iκανότητα -> I can run fast, μπορώ να τρέξω γρήγορα 2. άδεια -> can I go out ? μπορώ να πάω έξω;
  3. Eκφράζει βεβαιότητα ότι δεν έγινε κάτι.
  -> He can't have killed his wife.   -> Δεν μπορεί να έχει σκοτώσει τη γυναίκα του.
may - might (μπορώ να, ίσως)
  1. πιθανότητα -> it may rain,  μπορεί να βρέξε   2. άδεια -> may I speak ? μπορώ να μιλήσω;
Must (πρέπει να) -> We must work hard. -> Πρέπει να εργαστούμε σκληρά.
  Eκφράζει βεβαιότητα ότι κάτι έγινε.
  -> He must be at home now. (σίγουρα είναι στο σπίτι τώρα)
ought to (οφείλω να, θα πρέπει να)  -> I ought to visit them.  Οφείλω να τους επισκεφθώ.
used to (συνήθιζα να) έχει μόνο Αόριστο. -> he used to smoke. Συνήθιζε να καπνίζει.
need (χρεάζεται, είναι ανάγκη να) -> need I come tomorrow ? Χρειάζεται να έρθω αύριο;
dare (τολμώ να)-> How dare you say such things ! Πώς τολμάτε να λέτε τέτοια πράγματα!
Αυτά τα ρήματα λέγονται ελλειπτικά γιατί δεν έχουν όλους τους χρόνους των κανονικών ρημάτων.
  1. Δεν ακολουθούνται ποτέ από to, εκτός από το used και το ought.
   -> I must go όχι -> Ι must to go
  2. Δεν παίρνουν ποτέ την κατάληξη -ing
  3. Δεν κλείνονται ποτέ με do, does, did επειδή είναι βοηθητικά.
  -> They will come with us,  θα έρθουν μαζί μας - will they come with us ? θα έρθουν μαζί μας;
  To used to κλίνεται και με did -> did you use to go there ? Δεν συνήθιζες να πηγαίνεις εκεί;
  4. Στα πρόσωπα he, she και it δεν παίρνουν ποτέ -s
  -> He can come with us. Μπορεί να έρθει μαζί μας.
  5. Ακολουθούνται πάντα από απαρέμφατο χωρίς to
  -> I must go to school, Πρέπει να πάω στο σχολείο, ποτέ ->  Ι must going
Πρόσεχε όταν αναφέρονται στο παρελθόν.
-> Ελλειπτικό ρήμα + have + παθητική μετοχή.
  -> You should have told me the truth.   -> Θα έπρεπε να μου είχες πει την αλήθεια.
  -> We could have been killed. -> Θα μπορούσαμε να είχαμε σκοτωθεί.
Θυμήσου ότι το ρήμα must χρησιμοποιείται μόνο στον Ενεστώτα
στούς άλλους χρόνους αντί για must βάζουμε have to στο σωστό χρόνο.
Το ρήμα Can το αντικαταστούμε με το be able to στο σωστό χρόνο.
  -> Ι will have to work tomorrow.  θα πρέπει να εργαστώ αύριο.
  -> I was able to work yesterday. Μπόρεσα να εργαστώ χθες.

To verify the results of the quiz, press the button on the right

question 1

Mr Steele that car accident, he had a narrow escape.

A be killing
B have killed
C have been killed

question 2

You needn't..............him all those terrible things.

A to tell
B had told
C have told

question 3

You, I don't need you anymore.

A go
B to go
C have gone

question 4

You shouldn't............these terrible words.

A said
B say
C had said

question 5

If, I would have helped you.

A helped
B had helped
C have helped

question 6

I am sure he lies yesterday.

A to tell
B have told
C had told

question 7

I'd rather you..............anything to anyone.

A say
B not say
C didn't say

question 8

You helped them, they should.............grateful to you.

A be
B to be
C had been

question 9

She was with me last night, she can'

A do
B be doing
C have done

question 10

I didn't hear it, but he

A say
B have said
C said

question 11

Thank you, but you needn't...............a present.

A brought
B had brought
C have brought

question 12

They can' Athens because they were in Italy.

A have been
B to be
C had been

question 13

It was very cold, you shouldn't.............out last night.

A to go
B have gone
C be going

question 14

You shouldn' this to your mother.

A behave
B had behaved
C to behave

question 15

Be careful! You with that knife.

A have hurt
B be hurt
C to have hurt

question 16

If I had seen her, I

A told
B have told
C had told

question 17

You should...........your sick grandfather as soon as possible.

A visited
B be visited
C visit

question 18

He was there, he might............the burglar.

A saw
B had seen
C have seen

question 19

If I were you, I wouldn't.......that.

A do
B have done
C did

question 20

I don't know, He may............the money tomorrow.

A have paid
B pay
C will pay

To see the results of the test, please press the button *Verify *
at the top of this page.