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03C. Wishes
Dimitris Sclias

I wish (that) - μακάρι
1. Ευχή για το παρόν      -> I wish I left now. > Μακάρι να έφευγα τώρα.
2. Ευχή για το παρελθόν   -> I wish I had left yesterday. -> Μακάρι να είχα φύγει χθες.
3. Ευχή για το μέλλον     -> I wish I would/could leave tomorrow. Μακάρι να μπορούσα να φύγω αύριο.
Αντί για το wish μπορούμε να βάλουμε If only (αχ και να !)
-> If only I could see you ! -> Αχ και να μπορούσα να σε δω!
Mετά το Ι wish συνήθως αντί το was βάζουμε were.
-> I wish I were at home now. -> Μακάρι να ήμουν στο σπίτι τώρα.
Πρόσεξε -> I wish + would εκφράζει ενόχληση.
        -> Ι wish you would stop speaking ! > Μακάρι να σταμάταγες να μιλάς!
I wish to σημαίνει I want to (θέλω να)
-> Ι wish to see you next week. -> Θέλω να σας δω την επόμενη εβδομάδα.
Με μερικές εκφράσεις χρησιμοποιούμε αόριστο αλλά αναφερόμαστε στο παρόν.
1.    στον δεύτερο υποθετικό λόγο.
   -> If I had money I would go to Africa. -> Αν είχα λεφτά θα πήγαινα στην Αφρική (Eάν έχω λεφτά θα πάω)
2.    as if,  as though (σαν να)
   -> he speaks as if/though he was (were) the boss. -> Μιλάει σαν να είναι (ήταν) το αφεντικό.
3.    It's time/high time (είναι ώρα να)
   -> it's high time the children went to bed. -> Είναι πλέον ώρα τα παιδιά να πάνε για ύπνο.
-> I wish I saw you now. -> Μακάρι να σε έβλεπα τώρα.
-> I wish I had seen you last night. -> Μακάρι να σε είχα δει χθες το βράδυ.
-> If only I could see you now. -> Αχ και να μπορούσα να σε δω τώρα.
-> He speaks as though he were an expert. -> Μιλάει σαν να είναι (ήταν) εμπειρογνώμονας.

Please choose the right answer.

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question 1

Mary wishes the party last Saturday.

A was
B would be
C had been

question 2

They wish Greece last year.

A had come
B would come
C came

question 3

If you were good, you............this bad thing.

A wouldn't do
B won't do
C haven't done

question 4

If I.........a bird, I would fly in the sky.

A were
B had been
C will be

question 5

He walks.........he were an old man.

A if only
B wish
C as if

question 6

I wish home now.

A were
B had been
C will be

question 7

If he.........., he would talk to me.

A wants
B wanted
C had wanted

question 8

They............they had seen that film the previous week.

A if only
B wish
C as if

question 9

If it........., we wouldn't have gone out.

A rains
B rained
C had rained

question 10

If, I would see you.

A had come
B come
C came

question 11

I wish you............earlier to work, you're always late.

A will come
B would come
C have come

question 12

If she liked me, so.

A tells
B will tell
C would tell

question 13

If we had money, we............on holiday.

A went
B will go
C would go

question 14

If, I would die for you.

A ask
B have asked
C asked

question 15

She wishes she.........with him now, she loves him so much.

A had been
B has been
C were

question 16

John wishes he.............more yesterday.

A had studied
B would study
C studied

question 17

The children wish now.

A play
B played
C will play

question 18

I wish you...........quiet, we have a lesson now.

A was
B would be
C had been

question 19

I wish I...........the answer right now.

A had known
B knew
C know

question 20

Tom wishes he............on excursion tomorrow.

A will go
B would go
C had gone

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