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01 B Senior Simple Past - Past Continuous
Dimitris Sclias
Simple past - Απλός Αόριστος.
Έχουμε μιλήσει ήδη για τον Simple Past.
 -> He went (Αυτός πήγε) - Did he go? (Πήγε αυτός;)  - He didn't go (Αυτός δεν πήγε)
Past continuous - Aόριστος διαρκείας
-> I was + ρήμα + ing  -> I was going - πήγαινα
I was going     -     πήγαινα            was I going ?        πήγαινα;         I wasn't going        δεν πήγαινα
You were going   πήγαινες           were you going ? πήγαινες;       you weren't going  δεν πήγαινες
He was going       πήγαινε            was     he going ?  κλπ.              he wasn't going       κλπ.
She was going     πήγαινε            was     she going ?                      she wasn't going
It was going          πήγαινε            was it going ?                              It wasn't going
We were going    πηγαίναμε        were we going ?                         we weren't going
You were going   πηγαίνατε         were you going ?                        you weren't going
They were going  πήγαιναν          were they going ?                       they weren't going
Σύντομοι τύποι : was not -> wasn't  - were not -> weren't
Χρήση :
1. Μία πράξη που γινόταν σε συγκεκριμένη στιγμή.
   -> he was sleeping at 5 o'clock  -> Κοιμόταν στις 5 η ώρα
2. Δύο πράξεις που γίνονταν συγχρόνως.
   -> my mother was cooking while (ενώ) I was studying.  -> Η μητέρα μου μαγείρευε, ενώ εγώ διάβαζα.
3. Μία πράξη που ενώ γινόταν διακόπηκε από άλλη.
   -> I was walking down the street when I saw her.   -> Περπατούσα στο δρόμο, όταν την είδα.
4. Με τις φράσεις :
   -> while (ενώ), as (καθώς), when (όταν), all day (όλη μέρα), all night(όλη νύχτα), etc.
   -> As he was driving, he had an accident.    -> καθώς οδηγούσε, είχε ένα ατύχημα.
   -> when Mary was having a bath, the phone rang. -> Όταν η Μαρία έκανε μπάνιο, το τηλέφωνο χτύπησε.
   -> While I was working, he was playing. Ενώ εγώ δούλευα, αυτός έπαιζε.
   -> my father was working all day.   -> Ο πατέρας μου δούλευε όλη μέρα.

Please choose the right answer.

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question 1

..............a letter when you went home?

A Did she wrote
B Is she writing
C Was she writing

question 2

As I was riding my bike.

A fell
B fall
C have fallen

question 3

When the station the train was leaving.

A have got
B got
C am getting

question 4

I...........a book, when she came in.

A read
B was reading
C have read

question 5

It..............all morning yesterday.

A is raining
B was raining
C has rained

question 6 work when she met him.

A was going
B is going
C will go

question 7 Africa last year.

A was going
B went
C has gone

question 8

When I called her home.

A isn't
B wasn't
C didn't

question 9

He.............for the exam very hard last night.

A studying
B will study
C studied

question 10

When she was washing the dishes she.........a glass.

A was breaking
B broke
C has broken

question 11

They were waiting for you when I......them.

A see
B was seeing
C saw

question 12

While they.............she was cooking.

A sleeping
B will sleep
C were sleeping

question 13

At ten o'clock yesterday he...........the car.

A was washed
B did washing
C was washing

question 14

John............all night at the disco last night.

A did dancing
B has danced
C was dancing

question 15

Were you driving when the rain........... ?

A did started
B was starting
C started

question 16

Tom.............his car when he had an accident.

A drove
B was driving
C will drive

question 17

As he was walking he.......his money.

A was losing
B has lost
C lost

question 18

As I was entering the room I....... a terrible noise.

A heard
B have heard
C will hear

question 19

Was she.........when you met her ? No, she wasn't.

A cried
B crying
C cry

question 20

Mrs Smith...........television at five o'clock.

A was watching
B has watched
C will watching

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