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05bj adjectives
Dimitris Sclias


Tina is a thin girl.
John is a tall boy.
They are young men.
Those are beautiful girls.

Please choose the right answer.


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question 1

Those cars are..... .

A old
B olds

question 2

This man isn't tall.

A they're short
B He's short

question 3 are very weak.

A old
B youngs

question 4

These cars aren't old.

A they're news
B they're new

question 5

Jane is.....girl.

A a thin
B thin

question 6

Mr Jim Lodos isn't weak.

A he's strong
B he isn't strong

question 7

Jane is.....girl.

A nice
B a nice

question 8

Mrs Green isn't thin.

A she's fat
B she's a fat

question 9

Those women aren't ugly.

A they're beautiful
B they're beautifuls

question 10

These.....are very old.

A man
B men