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29FCprep prepositions (new & rev)

Dimitris Sclias

Please choose the right preposition.

advantage of , capable of, get rid of, guilty of, intention of, notice of, proud of, result of, suspicious of, use of, victim of,
forgive for, prepare for, qualify for, respect for, room for, sorry for,
borrow from, protection from, safe from

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question 1

1 Who did you borrow it ? (of, for, from)
2 Try to get rid
her; she's impossible. (of, for, from)
3 I really feel sorry
anyone who has to work with you. (of, for, from)
4 What's the use
talking to him? He won't understand ! (of, for, from)
5 I use this windscreen for protection
the wind. (of, for, from)
6 Why are you always so suspicious
everything? (of, for, from)
7 I haven't heard the result
the match yet. (of, for, from)
8 I always respect my father
.his principles. (of, for, from)
9 Parents are always proud
their children. (of, for, from)
10 Is your nephew properly qualified
the job? (of, for, from)
11 There isn't room
all that food in the fridge. (of, for, from)
12 Forgive me
interrupting, but there's an urgent phone call for you. (of, for, from)
13 He's guilty
committing a bank robbery. (of, for, from)
14 My mother told me that she has always had the intention
helping us. (of, for, from)
15 Don't take any notice
her; she's always like that. (of, for, from)
16 This organisation helps the victims
aids. (of, for, from)
17 The alarm installation keeps us safe
burglars. (of, for, from)
18 He wasn't properly prepared
the test. (of, for, from)
19 I can't see the advantage
driving to work through all that heavy traffic. (of, for, from)
20 My brother was capable
repairing just about everything. (of, for, from)

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