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Vocabulary  Test05

Vocabularies are very important. Please repeat the quiz as many times as
you can, in order to learn them well.

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question 1


It's no surprise that computer sales have increased…. typewriter sales.

A at the expense of
B on account of
C on behalf of
D in tandem with

question 2

Experts are still divided as to whether the death penalty acts as a(n)…. to violent crime.

A transition
B incentive
C deterrent
D suspension

question 3

Unfortunately, the proposal is not…. as it entails spending too much money.

A poignant
B exceptional
C accelerated
D viable

question 4

"Mom and Dad have always liked you better!" said the child…. . "

A lavishly
B resentfully
C vainly
D tactfully

question 5

The start of the new millennium was a good time for many people to….

A let sleeping dogs lie
B kill two birds with one stone
C clock their performance
D turn over a new leaf

question 6

Be wary when he tells you anything as he has a bad habit of…. The truth.

A embellishing
B diversifying
C renovating
D adopting

question 7

It is impossible to predict what…. the new tax law will have.

A expectations
B impositions
C ramifications
D malfunctions

question 8

She enjoyed the music at the restaurant as it was soft and…. .

A unobtrusive
B glaring
C undernourished
D shimmering

question 9

Whenever he sees his ex-wife, they end up quarrelling and…. insults at each other.

A cracking
B lauding
C bombing
D hurling

question 10

Stuttering is a speech…. that can often be corrected with therapy.

A deference
B impediment
C aptitude
D manifestation

question 11

She slammed her foot on the brake pedal and the car stopped with a…. .

A gasp
B jolt
C gush
D bolt

question 12

What she hates about big cities is that everyone rushes around so…. .

A inevitably
B alarmingly
C hectically
D gracefully

question 13

She's an optimistic person who never…. on the negative aspects of a situation.

A dwells
B preys
C feeds
D leans

question 14

The little girl was.... when she heard that her puppy had been run over.

A destitute
B irreparable
C unmentionable
D devastated

question 15

He's a private person who dislikes it when others…. into his personal affairs.

A rip
B pry
C recede
D launch

question 16

At seventy years old, it's natural for a woman to…. .

A beat around the bush
B be wet behind the ears
C feel past her prime
D lay down the law

question 17

Everyone says he's a(n)…. actor with very little talent.

A underrated
B prolific
C flimsy
D mediocre

question 18

She finds it difficult to lose weight because she always…. temptation.

A succumbs to
B refrains from
C hovers over
D caters to

question 19

I'm glad to see you two are speaking again. What made you call a….?

A vote
B truce
C vanquish
D name

question 20

The mischievous students did their best to….
the teacher with irrelevant questions.

A sway
B sidetrack
C emulate
D treaty

question 21

Antony has .... to quit smoking.

A resolved
B compromised
C overcome
D reconciled

question 22

Tony was .... to learn that he was being considered for a scholarship.

A gratified
B accomplished
C engrossed
D uplifted

question 23

The painting was so lifelike that at first .... it looked like a photograph.

A glimpse
B glance
C peek
D scan

question 24

I won't be able to attend the wedding because the date .... with a business trip.

A clashes
B crashes
C collects
D collides

question 25

We enjoyed the evening so much that we were .... to see it end.

A tardy
B reluctant
C opposed
D resistant

question 26

You .... a lot of water by turning it off while you brush your teeth.

A observe
B preserve
C reserve
D conserve

question 27

It wasn't surprising that the event was a failure, since it had been planned in a most .... way.

A subtle
B charged
C haphazard
D intermittent

question 28

Tommy and Tony are .... for the promotion, but only one of them will get it.

A vying
B antagonizing
C complying
D intending

question 29

Mark's grades improved .... after he had some private tutoring.

A decidedly
B blatantly
C ultimately
D remarkably

question 30

Dolphins sometimes drown when they become .... up in fishing nets.

A snarled
B tangled
C enfolded
D bogged

question 31

The difference between this fake $50 bill and a real one is .... .

A nondescript
B undistinguished
C imperceptible
D illegible

question 32

My brother .... the details of the accident to the police officer.

A imparted
B reminisced
C related
D accounted

question 33

Justin has started recycling, and he's hoping his friends will follow .... .

A suit
B cue
C model
D sample

question 34

There has been some .... that the president may be in ill health.

A deduction
B estimation
C speculation
D notion

question 35

Peter was embarrassed and left the room with .... eyes.

A downright
B downward
C downcast
D downbeat

question 36

The detective asked the victim if she would be able to .... her attacker from a lineup.

A turn in
B see to
C make for
D pick out

question 37

Jenny's refusal to help us represented a large, but not .... , difficulty.

A irrepressible
B overburdened
C unshakeable
D insurmountable

question 38

Sam .... his boss fired him because of a personal disagreement.

A accuses
B alleges
C advocates
D acclaims

question 39

The ....vegetation on the island provided a natural habitat for many species of rare birds.

A brash
B lavish
C lush
D plush

question 40

The soldiers had been ordered to shoot any intruders on…. .

A sight
B vision
C view
D advent