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Dimitris Sclias

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question 1

question 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For Questions 1 - 8, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

You hear a man talking on the phone. What is he doing?
A booking room
B reserving a table
C confirming an arrangement


You hear a mother and her son talking. What did she want him to do?
A call on her
B stay with her
C telephone her


You hear a woman talking about her job. What does she do?
A She is a shop assistant.
B She is a waitress.
C She is a manageress.


You hear a man talking on the phone. Where has he just been to?
A the dentist's
B the hairdresser's
C the doctor's


You are visiting a school when you hear a teacher and a pupil talking. What has the pupil not done?
A his art homework
B his maths homework
C his French homework


Listen to this woman talking on TV. What is she talking about?
A a concert
B a book
C a film


You hear this conversation between a man and a woman. What are they talking about?
A an exotic bird
B an exotic plant
an exotic animal


Listen to this man talking on TV. What is he a presenter of?
A a quiz show
B a chat show
C a music programme

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